Monday, October 6, 2008

Something to smile about

Just dropping by to say that I am currently on holidays in the Bahamas (NOT).
Actually I’m plugging away on a new article, one of those big long ones with the fifty multiple choice questions at the end to make sure you were paying attention.

However I find I get a bit antsy if I don’t publish something over the course of a week, so to give myself some breathing space while I finish my new epic I thought I’d do the chatty thing.

Today as I was driving home I thought of something & smiled, I can’t remember what it was now, but it was smile that mattered. It was one of those starting on the inside & spreading out across your face smiles, which I always enjoy but haven’t thought anything about. Until today.

Before I explain I must say that at the moment, I am very pissed off, more so than usual, especially with the 'big scary money games' being played out, plus of course in NZ we have a nation steadfastly focusing on creating Breast Cancer throughout the month of October. (If you are a connoisseur of the art of pissed offedness I highly recommend the Celtic Rebel's site).

One of the more long-term things that pisses me off is that we have for the most part, lost our physical selves - our bodies are no more than the thing we use to keep our heads & brains aloft, otherwise they'd be rolling around on the floor & that would be no laughing matter. Our bodies have a number of uses, but when all's said & done, they don't have a great place in our lives.

Without staking my reputation on it, I believe it was the philosopher Rene Descartes who first divided body & mind in our 'modern' era.

The man who thought he was (& so he was)

Using my rusty mathematical skills I come up with the following equation for Cartesian Dualism: 1 divided by 2 = a half or to be more specific a fractured human. Children are 'whole' people, but somewhere along the line the child becomes the fractured adult, which is strange really because the biggest factor in deciding the adultness of someone is their physical dimension.

It seems like things haven't changed much, in the beginning was the word & that's still pretty much how it is today. Language is King or Queen. All day, every day we are assaulted with the Divine Right of words - without them the fiscal meltdown would be a no thing. Words make things, even if something doesn't exist you can create it by creating a word - for instance take the word 'secstima' - how many people had even heard of this a few years ago, let alone indulged in it? Please... tell me you haven't!

Actually I'd be very surprised if you had, as I just made it up. If you fell for it, it's just a wee example of how the type written word along with an apparently reliable source open you up to the most basic programming. We believe in words, they are our virtual reality - we do not need to experience things anymore, we are simply served up a diet of words.

So my point - well our bodies do not use language, they do not speak. I'm quite sure we once understood them very well indeed but somewhere along the way we got remote controlled by our brains & by words. I no longer understand what my body communicates, I don't have the time or the patience to figure it out, I just expect it to behave & let me get on with the process of survival & trying to make a difference in this world. Generally speaking it seems my body is away with the fairies most of the time, off on a tangent somewhere, running at it's own pace, we're like two entities trapped in one space - we seem to vie with each other for control. I would really like to give it more time but 'the system' doesn't allow for luxuries like that.

So my little epiphany for today was that a thought crossed my mind as I drove home & with that thought came a physical reaction - my body smiled, a real smile & in that moment I felt the re-connection, a whole-hearted experience. For a few moments there was a wordless understanding between two warring factions & a remembrance of kinship & home.