Saturday, October 25, 2008

A little something for the weak-end (sorry it's a bit late)

I generally enjoy reading people who are willing to go out on a limb & present information that would have most experts salivating & squabbling over who gets to cast the first stone.

I'm one quarter of the way through just such a book now, perhaps by the time I'm half way through I'll put it down, I don't know, but it has provided me with an idea I had not thought about before & find thoroughly refreshing.

I'm thinking you might agree that there is a tremendous amount of energy being expended on 'end of the world' scenarios. We have been primed through school, history, media & movies to accept the destructive tendencies of our race. We have been taught (taut = emotionally or mentally strained) that our blood thirsty species has little or no respect for life & must be policed to keep us from running amok. History tells us our predecessors tried to obliterate all & sundry, not once, but twice, through world wars. Our daily buffet from the media reads like a mafia menu - a double helping of blood but easy on the onions.

The trailers for the lead up to the 'Apocalypse' include a dazzling array of expert knowledge of climactic change, 100% natural (cough) disasters, media hype plus the most scary thing of all - leaders with as much common sense as a toilet brush (& far less useful). There is enough doom & gloom to whet the appetite of any number (max 144,000) of Apocalypse spotters.

I'm not sure what the RDA of doom is, but I think we're overdoing it. In my own city of Auckland, we've gone from the odd mention of what to do in an emergency to media statements from the pulpit, err sorry local paper of 'It's not if, but when...' - wtf, where did that come from - nothing has happened in Auckland, if I follow the same logic I should now rush out & buy a lottery ticket because I've never won anything & "It's not if, but when" - it's true I read it in the papers.

Sorry got side-tracked. My book is called Catastraphobia by Barbara Hand Clow. She suggests that the devastation that we so fear or have resigned ourselves to, is a fait accompli - it has already happened. It took place around 11,500 years ago when the Cataclysm that almost destroyed this world & which virtually every culture in the world has recorded, occurred.

Clow suggests that our fascination with destruction comes from the unhealed trauma that resides in the collective memory of the human race & that, as with all trauma, we need to remember it so that we can heal, otherwise we keep re-creating it or allowing repeat performances.

Personally I am touched by these ideas, perhaps you had heard of them, I had not.

The devastation would have been indescribable - what words have ever equalled an experience - good or bad - we just use them to create movies in our head. Watching a disaster movie while scoffing popcorn in a movie theatre is not real - sorry I hope I haven't spoiled that for anyone, but movies are actually made up & the actors go home in the evening to watch other disaster movies.

Families, villages, towns, the familiar landscape would have been obliterated - our world almost destroyed. Were we there I wonder?

Following on with his idea I have wondered if the traumas of our present lives would be compounded a thousandfold by the buried memory of such an incident - a fear of abandonment in this life could be resonating with the unbearable loss of everyone, everything in that previous time. A fear of fire or water which may outwardly appear to stem from this life, could have it's roots in the memories of something infinitely more terrible. Religion would gain an easy foothold when something so awful happens that we believe we are being punished & need protection - isn't that what religion is about? I thought about the Aztecs too & their hideous sacrifices designed to maintain the universe - surely you need some bloody terrifying reason to make you consider butchering fellow human beings by the thousand.

I have been allowing these ideas to wander around inside me to see what comes up. As a result I wondered what effect this cataclysm would have had on the Earth herself - surely she too would have suffered the same trauma as her peoples. I wonder if somehow she has blocked out her memory too & perhaps we need to remember in order to heal her - does she allow so much disrespect through pollution & overuse of her body because she carries this deep trauma & has been unable to rouse herself & heal. Is this why the majority of the population of the world are so easy to dumb down - they are simply following that same route - the one that leads to escape from pain?

There is a further suggestion in the book that prior to this time Earth's axis was straight & the world experienced a 'golden age' - the Garden of Eden. The devastation that not only wiped out much of the world's population, also changed the world forever, the topography was drastically altered, distinct seasons were created, a whole new way of living was called for... "And there's so many myths with such similar themes. Catastrophic devastation, flood & fire, destruction of mankind and cold & dark."

.........Was the world once a very different place?............

Catastrophobia also suggests that time was created as a result of this new world - there were now identifiable seasons & the stars had changed & moved in the heavens & humanity developed a deep fascination for them.
I guess it was the book Out of Antarctica by Robert Argod that somehow melded with this one & created such an interest for me (there's a link at the bottom to a previous post that resulted from that book). Argod had studied mythology from around the world & had a passion to understand this enormous catastrophe - indeed it seems there is much that could be called 'proof' for those who wish to go a-hunting.

Mostly I'm happy to turn this idea over & over. I find myself resting within this meaning-filled theory.

Playing with some wild ideas, I thought of trauma based mind control - the entire human race would have been programmable & there were those kindly beings who turned up & taught the basic skills required in this 'new world' - can we date the start of the NWO to this cataclysm, with a continual build up to this present time where we face the ultimate choice - to heal or to escape from remembering?

Anyway these have just been some thoughts sparked off by an idea that I think offers hope & resolution & is such a welcome change from a diet of over-processed doom.

I wish you all whatever your heart's desire to create your personal paradise.