Thursday, June 19, 2008

Spectacular poultry

Yesterday, tired & shagged out after a long squawk (sorry that’s Monty Python), I mean a long day at work I visited my local decompression chamber aka the library, in search of a book with the ‘aha’ factor.

I found one on fantasy art which looked interesting, and then settled a little reluctantly for a book on shipwrecks, as there are a few more I want to look into.
It was Thursday, which for my son & I has been TV/computer free day for the last six years or so. Sometimes if I find an interesting book I will read out tidbits while he creates extraordinary things with Lego, infact that is how I came to be interested in the Lusitania.

I was turning slightly disheartened towards the checkout, when my gaze fell upon the ‘aha’ book my soul was seeking – we recognized each other in an instant. Without further ado I stepped forward to claim my prize, returned the shipwrecks to the murky depths of the shelf & made my way merrily to the counter.

So what was this extraordinary book you may ask why Extra Extraordinary Chickens of course.
I have been working hard on a new article & it’s not a light hearted affair & I’ve been tired at work where good conversation is in short supply & what I needed was delight & laughter.

I took this gorgeous book home whereupon my son & I roared with laughter & exclaimed with delight over the amazing world of 'show chickens’ – I kid you not.

Now I know how tiring it is staying awake & ’hearty’ in this era of concocted drudge & gloom so I thought I would bring some of the delights of the chicken world to you.

Be excellent to each other & party on dudes.