Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ride easy stranger

Alone we are born
and die alone
Yet see the red-gold cirrus
over snow-mountain shine
upon the upland road
ride easy stranger
Surrender to the sky
your heart of anger.

I had thought that last night I would finish & post the next part of my article. Instead I sought the solace of true friends after the climax of some very trying times.

I feel these are BIG times right now, I have seen buried things rising eerily to the surface, I have seen voices that were quiet for TOO LONG, ringing out, shakily, but bloody strong. I have felt that this is a time when we must choose to live or we die. I don't mean physically die, something much worse - emotionally, spiritually, humanly.

I take a course of action today that has taken many years to reach - I am one of those shaky voices that is speaking out because I choose to live.

I will be back shortly with the second part of my post, but first I have to go & "Surrender to the sky my heart of anger."

I wish life to ALL of you

(Poem at top by NZ poet James K Baxter)