Monday, January 25, 2010

A quick Quest (ion)

Is't me

or have you also gotten your imaginings of the future

from the watchings of the shrine in your living room


the incessant dj'd voices on your 'wireless' ...

or the wordings (word rings?) in your daily bible?

Does the viewing of the society in which we are currently, very neatly packed

tend to mirror

or be made to mirror

the world that we grew up with

or that grew up in ...

(& all round),

the inside of our heads

Is there even the remotest possibility

that we can envision a world

that has not been tele-visioned into us?

I seem to find myself mole-blind to all my tomorrows

but then again perhaps our eyes are over-rated when it comes to
days to come

causing us to strain our sight down an imaginary tube shaped distance,

when all along we were simply meant ...

to breathe our moments

in & out ...