Monday, November 17, 2008

A Truer Word

A friend sent me a link to an Internet site today that she had found stimulating & so I went forth & linked also.

I got part of the way through, when my psychopoo 'pull out' alert button began flashing big time. A few months back I learned the (very) hard way, not to ignore this feeling & consequently hastened to the X at the top right hand of my screen & took my leave.

However I have spent the rest of today pondering.

I was at first drawn to the info in this article. For one thing a friend had recommended it. Then there was the intro with someone assuring me that he has looked into it himself & cannot see how it can have been faked. Plus of course I do so much want to understand the answer to life, death & the universe otherwise known as 'what the hell am I doing here?' Some things I read made sense, some made me go oohhh, but somewhere along the way I also went uh-oh, let me out.

I had found myself believing what was said. It was not chirpy or upbeat - the tone was serious, the message harsh. Why is it that when someone gives us bad news that we're so much more likely to believe it? I read the other day that people are often more likely to believe something that is whispered - is this because it too suggests that the info is bad & therefore true?

So I wondered why I was trusting this person. This then led to 'what is trust' & why do we feel drawn to trust people & things? Interestingly it is only a short while ago that I posted this pic in my article on Adrienne Shelly.

My etymology dictionary returns trust to original meanings of "help, confidence, firmness." And for true we have "The underlying etymological meaning of true is faithful, steadfast, firm'; in accordance with the facts is a secondary development...and it has been speculated that it may ultimately have links with the Indo-European base dru- 'wood, tree' (source of English tree), the semantic link being the firmness or steadfastness of oaks & suchlike trees."

Some out loud thinking & questioning with my son after work, followed by a walk in the evening air led to a quick sketch of trust - oops sorry that's a tree.

Our list for trust took shape, & surprisingly it took the shape of living, breathing sentient beings - there was not an idea or thought in sight. For trust we decided, we needed time to get to know someone, to develop a deep connection & also to feel that we were cared for deeply. Trust seems to involve an energetic flow between open hearts - perhaps like an electronic circuit. In this sense there is a feel that 'trust' is a union of two or more people (or animals of course).

So could misplaced trust be an act that needs a bloody great light shone on it? What happens when you open your heart centre to an idea, a concept or a belief? You wouldn't hop into bed with them, & yet perhaps by opening ourselves & creating an energetic circuit with them, we do just that. And just what monsters might be Frankensteinally created by the fertilising of an idea or concept with a heartfelt emotion? Is some kind of life force created when we imbue these concepts with our very own emotional trust?

I've noticed how BIG a word 'trust' is.

Isn't it the basis of all religions?

Could the opening of the human heart to the idea of religion have created the 'monster' religions we have today? Could the opening of the human heart to 'national pride' be behind the creation of nations that must be fed by the sacrifice of it's people? When we 'trust' something that has no heartbeat, do we in essence, breathe life into it.

If you listen again to the word trust you can hear another sound & it looks like this-

Trussed- arranged for cooking by binding close the wings or legs of (a fowl).

Its etymology goes thus: "Middle English to pack, load, bind, from Anglo-French trusser, trousser, from Vulgar Latin *torsare, from *torsus twisted."

Could it be that we twist things out of shape & tie ourselves & our world in knots when we emotionally inseminate words & meanings with our highly charged trust?