Friday, March 20, 2009

Fair Phantom re-visited

A short while ago a rebellious Celt inquired as to the second part of an article I wrote last November. Until recently I had not felt the pull to complete this & I presumed there was more info to find. That info has been coming thick & fast this last week & so unless I get pulled somewhere else I will be posting the second part of Fair Phantom in the near future.

As it was a while ago, it is possible that new readers have not perused this post. I know, I know, there's nothing worse that having to go & click on a old link - therefore my cunning plan was simply to give you a brief intro, a snippet from the past article, a couple of strange images & bugger all else in an attempt to kindle a spark of interest.

From Fair Phantom (Part 1);

"The overkill in this event disturbs me & also how 'dramatic' it feels. Acceptance of the idea that an illegal immigrant would stoop to murder to avoid detection seems plausible. However I wondered why someone in such a knife-edge position would risk any kind of exposure in the first place."