Previously on The mil-Lion Man
a team of gold-membered Oscars are unleashed in the hills of Hollywood searching for their resurrected leader Osiris Austin. Once reunited they will take over the minds of the world with the use of the 'brain-death-ray' known as Stellar-VI-Sion (Lion-Star Lives).
I have been back-tracking with this article to find where it came from because it has taken me on an enormous
otherwordly journey, that is still continuing.
I would have to say that it came about because of my trip to Perth, which caused me to reread an article by
Ellis Taylor (see side link) which prompted a thought about
The Six Million Dollar Man. Yet this is but the tip of the iceberg - I'm not sure quite where I am headed except that it feels like an extraordinary & necessary voyage. When I get far enough ahead I will write about where I have been.
In the meantime lets go back to the 70's & see what those nice people in
Stellar VI(6)-Sion were up to.
As I mentioned previously, the
resurrected astronaut
Steve Austin reminded me muchly of the
Osiris myth. I delved for clues & presented many of them in the first part of this article, but I left out a biggie, because I wanted to present it whole in one
I shall now endeavour to bring you up to date as much as possible. The left out bit which resulted in the title of this series came about when my mouse & I went G
oogly spotting & came upon this picture

We'd already found enough juicy tidbits to open wide the doors of curiosity &
go mad, as in the 'mental'
free play sense of the word, although...
etymology: "mad O.E. gemædde (pl.) "out of one's mind" - so not necessarily a bad place to be).
Anyway, let out of its cage my mind leaped playfully over that picture & then let out a roar of delight, "Hey look at that - it says Lion Man!"
So the three of us (well my mind & I couldn't do it without our
went sleuthing upon the net.
A warning to any lions reading this - please take care as you are rather prone to being
interned in nets.
Alchemically mixing
Osiris &
lions in the search bar I came upon this;
If the Sphinx is pointing to the constellation Leo, with its face and to the constellation of Orion, by the tilt of its body, then maybe the symbolism of the ‘man-lion’ is the same as that which is symbolized astrologically by ‘Leo and Orion’. That is to say, that Leo is one and the same as Orion (or Osiris the resurrected God creator of the Universe). Coupled with the fact that the Sphinx is clearly associated with both Osiris and Horus..."
& an intriguing subheading of
The “man-Lion” will rule the world and establish universal Maat."
For the full article go here
Now there is much info on the net to suggest a strong link between
Osiris & Orion & also some which disagrees. Not feeling drawn to becoming an expert on either, I decided to stay fairly ignorant & just play with ideas as they came along.
I simply wanted to see what links there might be between
Osiris &
Next I found a very interesting site. At first glance it is easy to go
wtf, but I stayed & looked because the site author talked of a an
Osiris/Lion image & I just had a feeling that there was a whole lot more to this story than a few 'coincidences'.
So open your mind & go have a look here - I linked to the page in question, but have browsed much of this site,
seeing more each time.
The above site, in case your mouse accidentally overshot the mark, credits
Mars with being the planet of
Osiris (where most researchers align
Osiris with the constellation of
Orion). It also links
Osiris & lions with Mars - now don't go to sleep, it's just starting to get interesting.
We're going back to
Steve Austin again, for he is our modern day expert on the Osiris myth. Professor Austin has so very much to tell us.
Let us start with his alter ego, the lesser Osiris/Horus known as
Lee Majors.
Majors is not his birth name, he was
re-christened, as befits a man who will be
So lets have a look at the Lion-Man's name -
LEE is such a wee step from the leonine name
LEO is it not?
And then there is the majestic MAJORS - as in large - a large lion ...hmmm, not bad. But what else do we have here - MAjoRS - Astrologically speaking, Mars is ruled by Aries the RAM who is also tucked away back to front in that surname.
"As to how the ram became the symbol of Osiris, the following tradition has survived: When Osiris was returning home after his triumphant African tour, he and his army were unable to find water and were in a terrible state of dehydration. They were on the verge of death when a ram appeared in front of them. They viewed the appearance of the ram as a heavenly sign and they at once gave chase. To their great astonishment and relief the ram lead them to the shade and cool waters of an oasis. Osiris (Dionysius) explained the event by saying that the ram was Amon (who is symbolized as a ram) and to show his gratitude he raised a temple to his honor on the spot."
& who can forget this line (lion?) "and the lion shall lie down with the lamb". Actually that's not true, according to that book that starts with 'B' & ends in 'ible', it's the wolf who's going to get horizontal, but interesting all the same, that that myth has gotten such a pawhold in the world.
Anyway back to Steve.
There is something about Lee Majors that never sat right with me. A weird feeling that I never put into words because at that tender age I was trying to appear normal.
Of all the actors I have seen he remains the one who 'wasn't quite right'. Now I enjoyed the show very much as a kid, but for me the man was just a little 'wrong'. I actually said this to my son recently & got him to repeat it back to me before I showed him what I found next. You see a lot of the reason that Steve wasn't right was to do with his looks & in particular his nose - it was too squishy - ok I'm sure you're laughing by now (you can see why I kept quiet).
Lee Majors just never had the Hollywood look for me. A little while after I'd spotted the 'lion man', I spotted something else. I don't know if you'll agree with me but come have a look anyway. I cut away the majority of 'Steve's face (he didn't feel a thing), left his nose in place & this is what I got -
I got a wtf feeling because, to me, he looked like a lion, I hadn't thought to find that it just jumped out. Then I had the feeling that I'd seen that face before. I searched high & low in images without success until...
I found Vincent from the late 80's show Beauty & the Beast.
Here is a little (human) leonine rhinoplasty display I put together earlier.
I've been re-watching some episodes of The Six Million Dollar Man recently & am convinced that Lee Majors has an exceptionally leonine countenance. Interestingly there are not many images of him on the net & those available are not great quality. Admittedly I've just chucked this weird notion out at you, whereas I've had time to assimilate it, along with my longstanding feeling of strangeness about the choice of this actor as The Bionic Man.
I am currently in the middle of a deeply leonine exploration & as such this makes this particular observation very important. I will be most interested to see if anyone else concurs. I realise a few small pictures are not much to go by.
Before moving on I would just like to pop over to Mars & view the 'face' thereon - here's a quote I borrowed from the internet " I thought it looked leonine or monkey-like "
Anyway lets go down another route.
Lee Majors was born on 23rd April, 1939 & given the name Harvey Lee Yeary. Six months later on October 18, his reversely named twin Lee Harvey Oswald was born. Both men found fame in the 60's. In the 80's Majors went on to star in his own series called The Fall Guy.
Lee Majors shares his birthday with St George. "St. George is the patron saint of England. His emblem, a red cross on a white background, is the flag of England, and part of the British flag. St George's emblem was adopted by Richard The Lion Heart and brought to England in the 12th century."
While this second part of our story revolves around the leonine side of things, remember that it started with the linking of The Six Million Dollar Man to Osiris. In this programme (hmmm... am I talking of the myth or the tv series & more to the point, is there a difference?) I believe that Steve Austin is a combination of the Osiris/Horus Myth. Indeed in ancient Egypt the living Pharaoh was seen as the embodiment of Horus while the pushing up the daisies version became Osiris.
Lee Major's personal history becomes extremely mythical when we find that like Horus, his father was killed before he was born. What's more we find that "his father (Carl) died in an industrial steel mill accident." "From the Ellis Taylor' article about Perth's Bell Tower, which precipitated this post "The tower is constructed of glass -to reflect light and the sun- and steel, which is made from iron, a metal associated with the regal thrones of Isis/Osiris."
Another little interesting snippet I noted today, is that the word actor is all but identical to our gold-membered god OSCAR - each word contains the 'spell' A R C O but with an additional S or T - so does the Oscar make the actor or is it the other way round?
My blog is playing silly buggers tonight, & so while I might have left this & continued tomorrow I have no choice but to go forth & post as the horror of losing hours of heartfelt work is not to be gone through willingly.
So for now, but with the promise of more to come I leave you with this space-age morsel.
"OSIRIS was activated during this close fly-by of Mars," (2007).
Some stuff from wiki;
"OSIRIS (Optical, Spectroscopic, and Infrared Remote Imaging System) is the main scientific imaging system on the orbiter of the ESA spacecraft Rosetta. It was built by a consortium led by the German Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research."
"OSIRIS is the name of three entirely separate astronomical instruments. The duplication of names is ?coincidental?, partly driven by two scientific teams trying to make acronyms using similar words." - The question marks are mine - what a popular esoteric title that is - copyright anybody?
"Rosetta is a European Space Agency...robotic spacecraft mission launched in 2004...consists of two main elements: the Rosetta space probe and the Philae lander...The probe is named after the Rosetta Stone, as it is hoped the mission will help unlock the secrets of how our solar system looked looked before planets formed?? The lander is named after the Nile island Philae?? where an obelisk was found that helped decipher the Rosetta Stone." For anyone wishing to buy this story I will put my bank account details at the bottom of this page.
Alternately we could do a quick search on the island of Philae & find that "In the ancient days this was the center of the worship of Isis, and the last outpost of the nearly 4000 year old ancient Egyptian religion." & "The story of Osiris is everywhere represented on the walls of this temple."
.................................To be continued